After your arrival at Mangareva on Air Tahiti (flight VT951) on Tuesday morning you will board the Research Vessel Bounty Bay for a two-day sea voyage to Pitcairn Island. Every passenger will be assigned his or her own bunk. All food will be supplied during the voyage.
After arrival at Pitcairn you will be staying onshore with local families; this can be arranged in advance or on arrival, as you wish. The cost for your stay on shore is not included in our pricing and should be budgeted at approximately US$40 per night to be paid direct to your host family. This type of ecotourism has been encouraged in the last few years as a way of boosting the islands economy in a sustainable way.
After three or four days on Pitcairn we travel overnight to the World Heritage Site of Henderson Island. Many scientists consider Henderson ‘the most pristine tropical island in the world’. At Henderson we will be camping onshore for a couple of nights (weather dependent). This will give you a chance to see the Henderson Dove, Henderson Rail, Henderson Parrot, Henderson Warbler and Henderson Petrel, plus a myriad of other indigenous plants and animals.
Henderson also has excellent snorkeling and diving and some of the most beautiful uninhabited beaches in the world. We provide all camping gear, food, snorkeling and diving equipment without additional charge (a scuba license and experience is required for diving). For keen scuba divers, we recommend our Diving the Islands expedition. If you are a bird watcher we advice you to book the birding expedition with Kiwi Wildlife Tours
On our return voyage to Mangareva we will be sailing via Pitcairn to drop off our Pitcairn guide (who will accompany us to Henderson) and to pick up extra passengers bound for the Gambier Islands.
We aim to spend at least a day in the Gambier Islands and will anchor at Rikitea to enable visits to this picturesque village. Other things to do are tour around the big island (Mangareva) and a visit to a pearl farm. Upon request we will visit one of the other islands in the lagoon.
Price: The two weeks Pitcairn Expedition ‘Exploring the islands 20 June till 4 July’ is priced at US$2,500 per person.
For a map of the Pitcairn Islands click here
For further information email us